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  • Nov 16, 2023

Zohre Sarv

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Zohre Sarv, also known as "Maahfar," was first arrested in December 2019 while active on Instagram, addressing social issues in Iran.

Born in 1986 and holding a degree in business management, she expressed her views on social matters in Iran on her Instagram account. Ultimately, she was arrested when the Islamic Republic forces raided her home.

The social and political activist was sentenced to two years in Qarchak Varamin Prison, with charges including insulting the leader and advocating against the system. However, after enduring 15 months in prison, she was released in April 2021.

During Zohre's arrest, authorities found some alcoholic beverages in her house, leading to increased pressure on her. She was told she wouldn't be allowed leave until the flogging sentence for this crime was executed. Despite the fact that the sentence had been converted to a fine earlier, and she had paid the penalty, according to her political inmates, she was still subjected to 74 lashes in prison.

Zohre was arrested for the second time on October 2021, accused of participating in the "No Vote" campaign, promoting election sanctions, and conspiring against national security, resulting in a six-year prison sentence. She remains imprisoned in Evin Prison, and in response to the wave of executions in Iran, she, along with other political prisoners, initiated a hunger strike in May 2022.

This hunger strike jeopardized her life and health, but it began on December 3, 2022, in protest of the lack of medical attention, the neglect of her case, and the absence of conditional release after more than one-third of her sentence had passed.

However, on December 13, 2022, under pressures imposed on her, Zohre attempted suicide by taking pills, reportedly in response to promises made by authorities to address her demands regarding conditional release, putting an end to her own hunger strike.

As of now, this political and social activist continues to endure difficult days in Evin Prison.

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