On October 8th, Azadi Network, in collaboration with MP Sarah Olney, hosted a powerful gathering on the Pavilion Terrace in the UK Parliament, marking the second anniversary of the *Iran Woman, Life,…

This International Women’s Day, we unveil and engage in an important debate defining and defying Gender Apartheid in Iran and Afghanistan, through conversation, art, music and personal storytel…

I am writing to urgently raise our grave concern about the case of Pakhshan Azizi, a Kurdish humanitarian worker and civil society activist, who is at imminent risk of execution in Iran following a d…

The law explicitly frames any type of behaviour, speech, or sexually suggestive action that contradicts Islamic law as "indecency" and enforces severe penalties for citizens who fail to com…

The article explores the concept of "gender-based digital transnational repression" , a targeted form of online harassment aimed at women in exile or the diaspora. It highlights cases such…

The 70-article Hijab and Chastity Bill is nearing its final steps to become law in Iran. It targets not only women who defy mandatory Islamic veiling rules but would also impact import companies and …

Niloufar Bayani has dedicated her entire life and love to the environment. Since 2017, she has been detained alongside seven other colleagues from the "Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation"…

Azadi Network

Azadi Network is a grassroots non-partisan group of volunteers in the diaspora that focuses on empowering and structuring efforts regarding the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement in Iran and elevating the rights of marginalised groups within the community.



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