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  • Jul 15, 2024

Request for Parliamentarians to Intervene Against the Death Sentence of Sharifa Mohammadi

Sharifeh Mohammadi, a dedicated campaigner against the death penalty, was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in Rasht, Gilan province. The charges against her, including "armed rebellion against the state," appear to be baseless and politically motivated.

Even if you do not reside in the United Kingdom, you can urge your representatives to voice their opposition to the death sentence of Sharifeh Mohammadi by making minor adjustments to the text of this letter.

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Dear [Member of Parliament],

I am writing to urgently request your intervention regarding the deeply concerning case of Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labour rights activist in Iran who has been unjustly sentenced to death[1][2]. This alarming development demands immediate attention and action from the international community.

Sharifeh Mohammadi, a dedicated campaigner against the death penalty, was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in Rasht, Gilan province[1][2]. The charges against her, including "armed rebellion against the state," appear to be baseless and politically motivated[1]. Her conviction seems to stem from her involvement with an independent labour union, highlighting the Iranian regime's harsh crackdown on dissent and labour activism[1].

There are serious concerns about the fairness of her trial and the treatment she has endured:

1. Reports indicate that Mohammadi has been subjected to torture and spent months in solitary confinement[1].

2. Rights groups, including the Norway-based Hengaw and the U.S.-based Human Rights Activists News Agency, have reported on her case, emphasising its gravity[1].

3. Her family denies accusations of her involvement with banned political organisations, stating she has not been a member of any labour organisation for a decade[1].

This case is part of a broader pattern of repression in Iran, particularly against labour activists and those advocating for basic human rights[1][3]. The international community must take a strong stance against such egregious human rights violations.

I urge you to:

1. Publicly condemn the death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi.

2. Work with your colleagues in Parliament to issue a formal statement demanding her immediate release.

3. Engage with the Foreign Office to apply diplomatic pressure on the Iranian government.

4. Call for targeted sanctions against officials responsible for her persecution.

5. Raise this case in international forums to increase awareness and pressure.

Time is of the essence. Your swift action could help save Sharifeh Mohammadi's life and send a clear message that such human rights abuses will not be tolerated by the international community.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to hearing about the steps you will take to address this critical human rights issue.


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